We wish you all a happy, healthy and restful summer and look forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday 4th September.

Summer Term 2023

The start of the summer term has seen Chestnut class completing the final few aspects of their learning about WWII. 
On 20th April they had an amazing day at Tangmere Military Aviation Museum. They had a busy morning learning about key figures in WWII and their connection with Tangmere. They had fun using a flight simulator and even got the chance to sit in the cockpit of a plane. In the afternoon they put together and performed mini dramas illustrating the roles of the characters they had learnt about.
Back in class they have been enjoying making model Anderson shelters and are waiting with bated breath to see if their model will survive the weight and water test to come! 
Year 6 have been putting the final touches to their preparation for their SATS, in a couple of weeks, whilst year 5 have begun to explore spreadsheets in computing and outdoor Commando Joe activities with Miss Heater.
As we return after the half term holiday, the sun is shining and we are all looking forward to our upcoming Friday afternoon's in the forest. 
Auditions have been held for the pantomime (Aladdin Trouble) and rehearsals will begin later on in the term.
The children worked really hard preparing and weeding one of the raised beds so they could sow wild flower seeds to encourage even more birds into our school grounds.
In English the children have enjoyed performing and creating poems inspired by the senses and our wonderful environment. 
Maths has seen the children getting to grips with the concept of shape and using a protractor to measure angles. 
There is so much exciting learning taking place in Chestnut class and more to come through Science, History, Art and Music later this term.