We wish you all a happy, healthy and restful summer and look forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday 4th September.

Prayer Space

Prayer Space
From the 18th-24th January we have been celebrating 'Prayer Week' in school by holding a prayer space. This was a space open for all of the children and adults, to explore spirituality and some of our core collective worship themes. 
Based around the idea of reflection and spirituality, the space is designed to have activities for all ages to engage with. We are also very lucky that Rvd Dyson and some volunteers from St Mary's Church, came to lead the activities and talk to our children when they were in the space.
The children were very respectful in the space and took part in all of the activities, even the ones that challenged them a little bit. They had the opportunity to go into the space twice and each time were guided by the adults in the room.
Thank you to everyone for their support with this and we hope to run a similar event in the future.