We wish you all a happy, healthy and restful summer and look forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday 4th September.

Spring 1 2024

Hazel class have settled back into school wonderful after Christmas. We have started a new topic ‘The History of Space Travel’ and we are focusing on the space theme throughout the curriculum.

In English, we are exploring the text ‘Look Up!’ which is a story about a young girl who wishes to go to space. The children have been making inferences about her character using the amazing illustrations and have been linking this to their own lives. In Maths, we have studied Shape and the children have done a great job looking at the properties of shape.

In RE, we are exploring the Islam and how Allah shows he is compassionate and merciful. The children have discussed looking after our own pets and showing compassion to others. Our science focus is materials and we are investigating the properties of different materials and their uses.

The children have taken to swimming like ducks in a pond and I a so proud of how well they managed and behaved. Well done Hazel class.