We wish you all a happy, healthy and restful summer and look forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday 4th September.

Chestnuts visit London

On the 22nd February Chestnut Class embarked on their school trip to London. The first part of this adventure, was the train, which was standing room only. The children kept up their humour and behaved very well on the train.

When we arrived at Victoria, we were surprised to meet Claudia Winkelman, who was filiming an episode of ‘The Piano’. She was very lovely and came and chatted to the children (as well as having a cheeky photograph).

They then started on their epic walk of London, visiting; Buckingham Palace, Victoria Memorial, St James Park, Horseguards, Downing Street, Westminster, County Hall (where we stopped for lunch), Blackfriars, Tate Modern and finally, the Houses of Parliament. Despite the wet weather, the children were engaged and enjoyed their walk around London.

In the Houses of Parliament, they were able to visit the House of Commons and Lords, as well as taking part in a debating workshop at the end. By the time we got back on the train, they were thoroughly exhausted, although the adventure was not over yet!

Due to some issues on the line, we made an unscheduled visit to Arundel! We are very thankful to all of the parents who came and picked up their children from Arundel, as well as those who offered myself, Miss Hawkes and Mrs Mayne a lift.