We wish you all a happy, healthy and restful summer and look forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday 4th September.

Autumn Term 2022

In Chestnut Class our topic is ‘Would you love to live in a city?’. We have used maps to locate counties and cities in the north of England and have compared areas of the north of England with our very contrasting rural location. We have looked at the impact of the Industrial Revolution on different types of settlement and explored the natural resources available to us in the area.
Our work in English this half term is linked to our topic through the wonderful book ‘Way Home’ by Libby Hathorn, the illustrations of which have inspired some super poetry writing. As we near the end of the text, the children are excited to be writing their own ending based on what they have read so far.
In maths we have mastered place value including negative numbers and have moved onto the four mathematical operations. Year 6 are currently getting to grips with short division whilst year 5 are applying skills such as rounding to solving addition and subtraction problems.
In science we will be learning about animals including humans and  discovering how we will change as we grow older; the children will no doubt enjoy using adults in the school as their models!
We were all really excited to return to the pool for our swimming lessons this term; the first of which we found quite exhausting! We continue to enjoy mastering the skills of Tag rugby and some of us have demonstrated great teamwork when participating in football games with local schools.
It is also that time of year when we design our Christmas cards and the children have enjoyed experimenting with pastels to create some wonderful effects. The first week back after the half term holiday saw us enjoying our first themed week. The children had a fascinating time learning about the discovery, 100 years ago, of Tutankhamun's tomb.