We wish you all a happy, healthy and restful summer and look forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday 4th September.

Autumn Term (2nd Half) 2022

A warm welcome to the second half of the Autumn Term in Catkin Class. We hope you and your families have enjoyed a restful half term break.

Theme Week

The first week after half term will be the first of our whole school theme weeks. As a school we will be investigating and celebrating 100 years, since the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb, by Howard Carter. The children in Catkin Class will be looking at artefacts from different time periods and talking about what they think they are and why they are important. They will also be considering key questions including: Why did Howard Carter want to find a tomb full of treasure? What did Howard Carter find in Tutankhamun’s tomb? Why were the finds put in a museum?

Where do the leave go in winter?

Our theme for the second half of the Autumn Term is ‘Where do the leaves go in winter?’ Our first class read will be ‘Pumpkin Soup’ by Helen Cooper. This funny rhythmical traditional tale with beautiful illustrations is sure to inspire the children’s imagination. The children will be undertaking instructional writing tasks and will have the opportunity to make their own Pumpkin Soup! The reception children will be developing their confidence in engaging and responding to texts both through direct teaching and continuous provision in the outside area.

We will continue with our focus on rhyme later in the term by working on class texts including ‘Winters Sleep’ by Alex Morss and ‘Stick Man’ by Julia Donaldson. The children will enjoy bringing these beautiful texts to life through drama, cookery and poetry writing and performance.

We will also be preparing for Christmas and rehearsing for a Nativity Performance at the end of term – more information to follow soon!

Read Write Inc

We will be resuming daily phonics sessions this half term. The Reception children will be focusing on continuing to learn the set 1 single letter speed sounds before moving on to introduce the special friends [sh, ch, th, qu, ng, nk, ss, ll, ff, kn and ck]. The Year One children will continue to build upon their current level of phonic knowledge. The aim for the year one children is to have consolidated the set 1, 2 and 3 sounds by the spring term in preparation for the Phonic Screening in the Summer Term.

Home Reading

Your child’s home reading books are linked to the sounds they are working on in their phonic group. Home reading is therefore a great opportunity for you to practice these sounds at home with your child. We would recommend that you take time to read with your child daily to support with fluency. Please sign your child’s reading record after each read to indicate that your child has read with you at home.

In school we will aim to read with your child individually at least twice a week. We would therefore ask that your child brings their book bag along with their reading book and reading record to school every day. We will change your child’s book every Tuesday and Friday.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to catch me on the playground at the end of the school day.

With best wishes,

Mrs Merrett and The Catkins Team [Mrs Parsons and Mrs Puttick]