We wish you all a happy, healthy and restful summer and look forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday 4th September.

Summer 1 2024

Hazel class have settled back into class beautifully after the Spring break. 
We are focusing on habitats this half term. In English, we are reading the book Meerkat Mail about a meerkat who adventures to different habitats. We are using this text to write postcards and narratives. 
In maths we have started to look at length and heights and have been getting to grips with measuring in centimetres and metres. The children have enjoyed measuring objects around the small and saying what is taller or shorter. We will moving onto mass and capacity soon. 
Our history topics this term is David Attenborough and Jane Goodall. We are exploring the lives of these significant individuals and their impact on today's world. Our RE focus is Trust and Faith in Jesus, we have been discussing who we trust most and what makes someone trust worthy. 
We have started our Forest School Fridays! The children loved getting covered in mud and exploring the beauty of our forest area. Pictures to follow soon!