
Autumn 2 2023

Autumn 2 2023
Hazel class have returned after half term full of positivity and eager to learn. 
This term our history focus is the Gunpowder Plot. The children are keen to learn all about why we celebrate firework night and want to know more about Guy Fawkes and his plan to kill the King. The children will be creating firework sliders in Design Technology and learning the skills to make their creations move. 
In Art we are exploring the artist Andy Goldsworthy and studying his creations using natural sources. The children will be creating their own natural art work. 
In RE the children are exploring why Jesus is known as 'saviour'. This will link well with Christmas and the story of the birth of Jesus. 
In English, we are exploring poetry. The children have loved listening to poems by Michael Rosen and discussing different poetry and linking them to real-life experiences. The children will be creating their own poems.