We wish you all a happy, healthy and restful summer and look forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday 4th September.

Spring 2023

Spring 1 - 2023

Acorns class have returned to school after the Christmas break ready and willing to learn. We have got straight into our new topic - Stone Age to Iron Age. The children are really keen to learn about this and have asked many insightful questions and have already shared some previous knowledge with the class.
In English, we are looking at Stone Age Boy by Satoshi Kitamura and using this text to build upon our writing and reading skills. In Mathemathics, Year 3 are beginning to look at Subtraction with exchanges and are getting to grips with using column method for this. Year 4 have begun Multiplication and Division unit. 
We are starting a unit of Dance for PE as well as continuing with Mr Mayne on Friday Mornings. In RE, the children are exploring Karma and how Hindu's collect good Karma. 
We are looking forward to learning more about the Stone Age over the next few weeks. 
Miss Heater