We wish you all a happy, healthy and restful summer and look forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday 4th September.

Links with St Mary's Church, Slindon

As a school we have close links with our local Church, St Mary's. Revd Peter Dyson comes to the school weekly to lead collective worship and the children have the opportunity to go to St Mary's Church for services and events.
Here is a link to St Mary's website: https://www.stmarysslindon.co.uk/
Message from Revd Peter Dyson
St Mary's, Slindon is delighted to have close links with Slindon Primary School – a voluntary controlled C of E School. As a Governor, the Rector and a church appointee have roles in the governance of the school. There are close links between the school and the church with regular weekly assemblies taken by the Rector, as well as Open the Book sessions. The school is in turn very supportive of St Mary’s church: hosting Messy Church, taking part in church services and involvement in special services such as leavers service, Harvest and Christingle. The school is an important part of both the church and village communities and greatly valued by both
If you wish to contact Revd Peter Dyson, please find his contact details below:
St Mary's Church Slindon.