October is Black History Month and children in Acorns and Chestnut classes have been learning about people who have made a huge difference. Acorns have studied the life of Rosa Parks, a civil rights activist from Montgomery, Alabama in America. We learned about the many unfair rules that separated black and white people in 1950s America, particularly the expectation that black people had to give up their seat on the bus for white people. Find out how Rosa refused to budge after a tiring day at work and how her heroic stand inspired a protest which resulted in a change in law and helped kick start the civil rights movement in America.
Chestnut class have learned about one of the most important speeches in history made by the American civil rights activist Martin Luther King. In 1963 Martin Luther King made his famous "I have a dream ..." speech where he called for equality, freedom and justice for all citizens regardless of the colour of their skin. In Chestnut class we talked about the concepts of freedom, equality, justice and hope. Take a look at some of the dreams children in Chestnuts class have.