We wish you all a happy, healthy and restful summer and look forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday 4th September.

Spring 2 2023

 Welcome to the second half of the Spring Term in Hazel Class!  


Wheels and Wings

Our theme for the remainder of the Spring Term is ‘Wheels and Wings.’  Our class texts will be ‘Bob the man on the moon by Simon Bartram and Mrs Armitage on wheels by Quentin Blake.

Transport will be a theme that also runs through our foundation topics.  In History we will be learning about the history of transport.  In DT we will be designing, making and evaluating our own moving vehicles.  In Science we will be learning more about everyday materials.


Read Write Inc

We will be resuming daily phonics sessions this half term for those that are in need. This will be reviewing and consolidating their set 1, Set 2 and Set 3 sounds. There will be a phonic screen retake in the summer term for those individuals. Those that have progressed on from phonic sounds are now consolidating this knowledge and using it to read a wider range of books and develop their comprehension of texts.


Home Reading

In Year 2 we encourage parents to discuss their books with someone else. This will build on their comprehension of a text.

Your child’s home reading books are linked to the sounds they are working on in their phonic group.  Home reading is therefore a great opportunity for you to practice these sounds at home with your child.   We would recommend that you take time to read with your child daily to support with fluency.  Please sign your child’s reading record after each read to indicate that your child has read with you at home.

In school we will aim to read with your child individually at least twice a week. We would therefore ask that your child brings their book bag along with their reading book and reading record to school every day.  We will change your child’s book every Tuesday and Friday


If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to catch me on the playground at the end of the school day.

With best wishes,


Miss Amos [Class Teacher] and Mrs Redman [Teaching Assistant]