We wish you all a happy, healthy and restful summer and look forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday 4th September.

Summer Term 2023

Summer 2 2023
Acorn's have a had a great start back to school after half term. Our Ancient Egyptian focus is continuing and we are studying Egyptian Cinderella in English. The children are comparing this story to the traditional Cinderella story and will eventually create their own version of a tradition tale set in Ancient Egypt. 
In Math's, the children are working on Fractions. Year 3s have learned how to add and subtract fractions and Year 4 have looked at mixed numbers and improper fractions and will be moving onto Decimals soon. 
In Science, our unit is Light. We are linking this with Ancient Egypt and comparing light sources now to the light sources they had back then. The children have investigation how shadows are formed and are going to investigate how how and why shadows move throughout the day. 
As it is Local History Week, Acorns have been studying the history of Slindon. Focusing on the history of cricket. We have been asking questions about the history of the school and the children were fascinating by this. We are going to create fact files about Slindon's cricketing history. 
We have began to rehearse for our Panto - so listen out for your children practicing their lines and songs at home! 
Miss Heater
Summer 1 2023
Acorns class have had a fantastic half term. We have been exploring the lives of Ancient Egyptians and how important the river Nile is to them. We have done some Ancient Egyptian writing called Hieroglyphs. 
We began this term with a short film called Tadeo Jones. This film showed wonderful depictions of inside Egyptians tombs. We used these images to help us write detailed setting descriptions. We used personification, similes, metaphors and expanded noun phrases for these. Next, we are focusing on shape poems and looking at calligrams. The children will be writing their own shape poem about an Ancient Egyptian animal.
In maths, we have began to learn about Fractions in both year groups. The children are really enjoy this and are getting to grips with it very quickly.
In computing, we have been learning how to edit images using cropping, recolouring and rotating. The children then chose an image to edit for a specific audience.
We have been practicing striking and fielding in PE. We have been learning how to play cricket and rounders and how to bowl and strike the ball properly.
We have had some wonderful take away tasks brought in this time so Thank you!!