It is our aim at Slindon C of E Primary School to:
- Develop children’s experiences and understanding of geography and history within an enabling environment, inspiring and igniting their curiosity about the wider world.
- Create experiences, including those linked to the local community, to enhance children’s knowledge about significant events in British and world History and our geographical locality.
- Increase children’s knowledge of other cultures and, in so doing, teach a respect and understanding of what it means to be a positive multi-cultural country.
- Inspire, engage and motivate our children to create a passion for learning whilst they learn and develop in their own way and at their own pace, succeeding and allowing them to flourish.
- Meet the needs of all learners through our curriculum, celebrating the unique child and challenging them to write for a range of audiences and purposes.
- Build on a foundation of positive relationships, encouraging our children to share their learning with their peers, their families, the school and the wider community and to learn from others.
- Adapt the curriculum by emphasising deep knowledge and through individual support where necessary.
Geography and History are essential parts of the National Curriculum. They provide a means of exploring, appreciating and understanding the world in which we live and how it has evolved.
At Slindon Primary School we take every opportunity to develop our geographical and historical skills and understanding outside the classroom, both in our wonderful grounds and further afield.
We also strongly believe in the power of quality texts to enhance learning and we aim to teach all our topics through or linked to such texts.
Geography explores the relationship between the Earth and its people. Geography stimulates curiosity and imagination and we aim to build children’s geographical awareness by developing key skills, understanding and knowledge of the world.
History is about developing an awareness of the past, through teaching about people, events and changes. Children should develop a chronologically secure knowledge and understanding of local, British and world history. Historical study is a process of enquiry. Using the evidence available to us, we can draw conclusions about what life was like in the past and gain a better understanding of the world today.