At Slindon CofE Primary School we value the contribution that Computing can make for the benefit of all pupils, staff, parents and governors. We strive to provide safe Computing opportunities in all subjects to motivate and inspire pupils and raise standards across the curriculum. Everyone in our school community will become lifelong learners equipped to meet developing technology with confidence, enthusiasm and the skills that will prepare them for a future in an ever-changing world.
Our Computing vision encompasses the following aims:
- To enable our staff and pupils to become competent, confident and independent users of Computing.
- To provide pupils with the Computing skills necessary to become independent learners.
- To develop a creative and cross-curricular approach to the teaching and learning of Computing.
- To promote safe and sensible use of Computing through a dedicated e-safety curriculum.
- To use new technologies to enable good quality teaching and learning to take place.
- To ensure appropriate and equal access of Computing for all children regardless of age, gender, ethnicity or ability.
- To develop the Virtual Learning Environment in order to provide extended and personalised learning opportunities through the use of Computing e.g. class blogs, Office 365.
- To commit to the Continuous Professional Development of Computing.
- To ensure our pupils take advantage of the ever quickening pace of technological change.
- To provide pupils with an understanding of the role Computing plays in everyday life at present and its importance in the future.
- To give children opportunities to access Computing through home school links.
- To use Computing to develop physical coordination and language acquisition.
Inclusion: Pupils with special educational needs should be able to use the technology to encourage their independence and develop their interests and abilities.
All pupils are to have access and use of our schools Computing equipment and curriculum, regardless of gender, race, cultural background or any physical or sensory disability. Pupils with learning difficulties can be given greater access to the whole curriculum through the use of Computing.