
Summer Term 2024

Dear Acorn Class,

As we step into the warmer months and brighter days, I am thrilled to welcome you all to the exciting journey that awaits us in the Summer Term! This term promises to be full of adventure, discovery, and learning experiences that will undoubtedly leave us with lasting memories.

New Topic: Titanic

To kick off our learning journey this term, we will be diving deep into the history of one of the most iconic ships of all time - the Titanic! Get ready to embark on an incredible voyage as we explore the fascinating story behind this legendary vessel. From its construction to its tragic fate, we will unravel the mysteries surrounding the Titanic and learn about the lives of those who sailed on board.

Literacy: A Midsummer Night's Dream

In our literacy sessions, we will be venturing into the enchanting world of William Shakespeare for the very first time! Our focus will be on Shakespeare's magical comedy, "A Midsummer Night's Dream." Prepare to be transported to the mystical land of fairies, lovers, and mischief as we delve into the intricacies of Shakespearean language and storytelling.

Science: The Wonders of Plants

In science, we will be turning our attention to the vibrant and diverse world of plants. From the tiniest seeds to the tallest trees, we will explore the fascinating life cycle of plants and uncover the secrets of their growth and survival. Through hands-on experiments, observations, and investigations, we will deepen our understanding of pollination and the vital role that plants play in sustaining life on Earth.

As always, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

Kind regards,

Mrs Souadi