We wish you all a happy, healthy and restful summer and look forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday 4th September.

Autumn Term 2023

 Welcome back Acorns!
Welcome back to a brand new year, and a brand new class for some of us!
The year 4 children and Miss Whiting, our wonderful teaching assistant, have welcomed our year 3 children and myself into Acorn class, and have helped us all find our feet in the new classroom.
In our first week, we have been incredibly busy already. We have already delved into our new class novel, 'Planet Omar' by Zanib Mian, and are already really enjoying it! 
We have read instructions on how to make a Celtic roundhouse and made them; before recounting our steps, considering thoughtful adverbs within our writing.
Next week, begins our topic of the Romans, and we will find out about how they came to take on Boudicca and her Iceni tribe, and what impact they left on Britain today.
I will be available on the playground at the end of the school day if you have any queries, please feel free to come and see me!
Mrs Souadi
Acorns Class Teacher