We wish you all a happy, healthy and restful summer and look forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday 4th September.

Autumn 2022

Autumn 2 
Acorns have had an amazing first week back after half term. We spent the week focusing on the centenary of the discovery of Tutenkamun's tomb. We watched videos and the children explored how Ancient Egyptians would mummify Pharaohs. Then, we used our learning to produce some instructions to help others know how to mummify. Acorns also created some art work of Egyptian crowns and wrote some Hieroglyphs
We have finished Pugs of the Frozen North and are beginning to plan a newspaper report based on the events of the books. In Maths the children are beginning to learn how to add and subtract with number crossing 10. We have been listening to and appraising songs in Music and will learn and song to perform. 
Hello Grown-ups! 
Acorns class have settled into School life beautifully. We have already began to explore Scandinavia for our Geography topic this term. The children have loved learning about the physical features found in Scandinavia and have enjoyed looking at images of the countries. We have created our own Northern Lights artwork after exploring images and videos online. 
In English, we are reading 'Pugs of the Frozen North' and we created fact files about Pugs and we have realised that pugs are not cut out for life in the Frozen North!  So we look forward to learning about how they get on. 
In Maths, we are focusing on Place Value and the children are using their previous knowledge to support them in understanding bigger numbers. PE is Netball and we are learning the skills needed to be superstar players. 
Mr Mayne has been in the last 2 Fridays and the children are enjoying developing their team work and resilience through games and activities. 
I will be adding some photos soon so watch this space! 
Miss Heater