We wish you all a happy, healthy and restful summer and look forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday 4th September.

Weald and Downland Museum

On the 23rd January, Catkins, Hazel and Acorns went on a visit to the Weald and Downland Open Air Museum in Singleton. It was a very cold and frosty day, but the children were well wrapped up and ready to take on the workshops.

Catkins and Hazel learnt about the ‘Fire in the Bakehouse’ linked to their learning on the Great Fire of London. They also got to explore some of the old buildings, looking at why they would have caught light so quickly and how they were used for different purposes.

Acorn class learned about homes of the past, linked to their Stone Age learning. They focused on how fire was so important and also the use of animal skins to keep warm. The children also had the chance to try some traditional house making techniques, such as wattling, arch building and peg tiling.

Overall, we had a fantastic day and can’t wait to see how the learning links into what they do in class, over the upcoming weeks.