We wish you all a happy, healthy and restful summer and look forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday 4th September.

The Last Day of the School Year

Goodbye and Good Luck to Year 6
The end of the school year has arrived and it is time to say goodbye to Year 6.  
Everyone came together at the Year 6 Leavers' Service to celebrate the children's time at the school, their achievements and their memories.  The day ended with Year 6 ringing the school bell as everyone left for the holidays.
Headteacher Awards
As a leaving gift Ms Walters introduced two new school trophies: the Star Award for Progress and the Koinonia Cup for Fellowship.  The 'Star Award' was presented to Lily-Rose Messenger to celebrate the good effort and progress she has made in her learning this year, whilst the Koinonia Cup was awarded to Livia Pfluger-Evans for her kind heart and thoughtfulness towards everybody.
Fun on the Field
The day ended with a picnic and a last chance to play before the end of the school day.  Goodbyes were said to Mrs Meeks, Mrs Smith and Ms Walters, who are all moving on to new challenges in September.  Year 6's took the opportunity to ask everyone to sign their polo shirts.