
Summer 2022

We would like to extend a warm welcome back to the Reception children and their families for the start of the Summer Term.    

Catkin’s theme for the Summer Term is ‘Journey Across the Sea’

Roots, Shoots and Big Boots

Our current class read is ‘Errol’s Garden’ by Gillian Hibbs.  The children have been exploring their response to the text through prediction, questioning and by reflecting on personal experiences.  They have researched, designed and built their own dream gardens from junk modelling materials and have also been busy preparing the Squirrel’s flower beds for new vegetable patches and wild flower and bug gardens. We can’t wait to see the fruits of our labour.

Later this half term, we will be focusing on the text ‘The Gigantic Turnip’ by Aleksei Tolstoy and Niamh Sharkey.  We will be using this text to think and talk confidently about responses to a book, including the meanings conveyed in the story and illustrations.  We will continue with our focus of writing for meaning and purpose in a variety of narrative and non-narrative forms.  We will be story mapping, composing our own stories and writing recipes.  We will also be exploring our responses to the text through art, design and malleable experiences 

We will be learning about Charles Darwin and comparing his expeditions and achievements to those of Captain Scott.  Focusing on both place and location knowledge and exploring plant life and their habitats.

Shells, Waves, Buckets and Spades

In the second half of the Summer Term the children in Reception will be visiting Littlehampton Beach and will be joined by a Beach School instructor.  We will be enjoying a selection of fiction and non-fiction texts based around a sealife and beach theme, including ‘Surprising Sharks’ by Nicola Davies and ‘Please Mr Magic Fish’ by Jessica Souhami.

We will be further exploring significant individuals from the past by looking at the life and achievements of Christopher Columbus.  We will also be looking at human and physical geography of our local coastline.  All of which we look forward to exploring through art, drama and direct first hand experiences.

Read Write Inc

This term we will be continuing with our daily phonics sessions.  We will be focusing on reviewing our set 1 and set 2 speed sounds and introducing some set 3 sounds where appropriate.  There will be a focus on consolidating the relevant diagraphs and trigraphs.  We will also be continuing with oral blending through daily Fred Talk games and activities. The home reading books sent home twice weekly will be linked to the sounds we are working on in class.  This is a great opportunity for you to practice these sounds at home with your child.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to catch me on the playground at the end of the school day.

With best wishes, Mrs Merrett